As you very well know, we are migrating our platform from the Ethereum Blockchain to Vechain’s Thor Blockchain. For those of you who have participated within our Proof of Reading and Survey, we require the following:
· Complete the Know Your Customer (KYC)
· Provide a valid VeChain wallet address
KYC ensures that Safe Haven is compliant with global investor and banking regulations. It also helps protect our community from bots or fake profiles that participate multiple times, which can negatively affect true participants.
Creating a valid VeChain wallet is necessary to ensure you can store your Safe Haven digital tokens [SHA]. This can be done by downloading the VeChainThor Wallet app within the App Store or Google Play Store.
The KYC can be completed on our website at: https://safehaven.io. The deadline for this action is July 31, 2018. Participants will need to whitelist with the e-mail address he/she provided when the PoR and Survey was submitted. This will allow us to track everyone properly.
People who already did the KYC will be able to change the ERC20 wallet in their new VET wallet in the coming days.
Our PoR winner will be announced the first week of August, 2018. There will be a 100x multiplier on the prize and reward to align it properly with our new tokenomics.
Stay tuned for further announcements!
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