Contact - Safe Haven


How can we help you?

Discuss Safe Haven, ask questions and share ideas with the community or collaborate with our team.

Community chat

Participate in the discussion with our team and community via Telegram, ask questions and share ideas.

Business solution

If you're looking to integrate one of Safe Haven's products into your own business, this is for you.


Do you think we can add value to each other's projects? Let us know why we're a match made in h(e)aven!

Influencer collaboration

Are you an influencer and ready to create content about Safe Haven or one of our projects? Let's talk!

Developer integrations

If you're a developer and have questions about one of our products or API integrations, we're here for you.

Press inquiry

For your media and press requests, "press" here. 😉


Let's get to know each other. Tell us why you'd be a valuable addition to our dedicated team and why you want to become a contributor of the Safe Haven ecosystem.

General inquiry

For all your general questions regarding Safe Haven, our ecosystem and our solutions, this should help you.