VeGnomes is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols; in addition to an Inheriti® integration, Safe Haven has contracted VeGnomes to establish the artwork for their upcoming NFT collection.
What is the Cost to Utilize Inheriti® Services and Why is it Important?
Users can create a lifetime decentralized personal backup and/or inheritance plan for the cost of 10k SHA tokens; without decentralized recovery protocols, all NFTs and cryptocurrency would become lost forever if owner of estate loses access to wallet storing said tokens – Inheriti® reduces the risk of losing utility tokens and NFTs within metaverses, or any other ecosystem utilizing digital assets to function, enabling investors to feel more confident about the survival of their investments.
- Visit Inheriti® to Create a Plan: https://inheriti.com
- Step-by-step Walkthrough: https://ask.inheriti.com/t/inheriti-ce-walkthrough/9
- Watch our Demonstration Video: https://youtu.be/nJxtAsFIhlE
- Ask Questions via FAQ: https://ask.inheriti.com/
- View the Security and Audit Reports: https://github.com/Safehaven-io/Inheriti/tree/master/Security
- View our Approved and Pending Patents:
- 🇺🇸 United States: https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200162246A1/
- 🇪🇺 Europe: https://patents.google.com/patent/EP3654578A1/
- 🇨🇳 China: https://patents.google.com/patent/CN111199045A/
Who are the Creators of VeGnomes and Why were they Chosen to Create our Official NFT Collection?
The VeGnomes project was founded by Jeff Perry, with Rob DiTeodoro as the Lead Artist, who curated 3,333 VeGnomes in their first NFT collection; the whole collection minted-out in less than one hour, with each mint costing 333 $VET, that have a base floor of 400 $VET at current time of writing – beyond the minting and marketing process, VeGnomes manages their community professionally, which is one of the many reasons why they were chosen to establish our official NFT collection.
Biography of Jeff Perry: a VNFT OG, Tier 1 VPunks minter, collector of most VNFT collections, an Instagram content creator, and a certified personal trainer who specializes in powerlifting and bodybuilding style training. Jeff brings high-energy to the VeGnomes team and makes it a priority to ensure all goals are being met; his mentoring skills are highly advantageous for building a team that knows how to work on a level of synergy.
Biography of Rob DiTeodoro: a visual artist, mainly working with acrylic paint and graphic design. Rob has been making art his whole life, developing a very unique and robust style, which has been described as “psychedelic cartoons.” The colorful characters and gradients deliver a positive message that is meant to leave the viewer feeling uplifted, even when the subject matter is somewhat dark. Robs mission is to raise people’s vibrations with his art. He is also a husband and father of four, marine corps combat veteran and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner and instructor.
What Utility Factors Drive Rarity for a VeGnomes NFT?
There will be additional forms of utilization added to VeGnomes NFTs as further details are revealed between the collaborations currently underworks, between Safe Haven and yet to be disclosed entities, but here is a current list of the publicly available knowledge:
- Floor sweeping events will be funded by the $VET reserved during minting, along with 2.5% of royalties derived from aftermarket sales, for purchasing VeGnomes to increase the floor price; all purchased NFTs will be distributed to the VeGnome holders – the community is able to vote on which VNFT project has its floor swept.
- VeGnomes NFTs with a ‘Golden Ticket’ are eligible to be airdropped a 1/1 NFT from the upcoming ‘VeGnomes Legends’ NFT collection and a rare NFT from the Safe Haven official NFT collection.
- Whitelisting eligibility to the official Safe Haven NFT launch, but only for those who hold three or more VeGnomes.
- There will be a special NFT airdrop, from the official Safe Haven NFT collection, for those who hold many VeGnomes (amount required to hold TBA).
- A portion of minting fees pertaining to the NFTs minted within the first Safe Haven official NFT collection will be equally shared by those who hold a certain number of VeGnomes.
What Information Can be Shared about the Official Safe Haven NFT Collection?
There will be a total of 10,000 editions within the first NFT collection, separated into 5k male and 5k female SHAmans, which will have unique attributes that will enable specific features and perks as the plans for play-to-earn gaming debut.
Additionally, there will be a special NFT collection within the Safe Haven NFT ecosystem that is airdropped to Node Holders, holders of a certain number of VeGnomes, and holders of previous NFT collaborations made between Safe Haven and other NFT projects.
- Whitelisting Price: 4,500 $SHA
- Public Sale Price: 5,000 $SHA
Join the Community in Establishing Attributes!
We wanted the community to feel part of our development process by providing the opportunity of suggesting ideas for attributes within each possible category; here is a list of the current planned attributes, all of which will be limited to a specific amount:
- Skin-type
- Light-skinned (2,514 editions)
- Medium-skinned (2,514 editions)
- Dark-skinned (2,514 editions)
- Tri-color War-paint (1,250 editions)
- Gold (555 editions)
- Zombie (333 editions)
- Ape (111 editions)
- Alien (99 editions)
- Invisible (77 editions)
- Crystalline (33 editions)
- Headgear/Hair
- Bald (male)
- Short Hair (male)
- Medium Spikey Hair (male)
- Medium Bob-style (female)
- Long Straight Hair (Unisex)
- Long Wavy Hair (Unisex)
- Ponytail (female)
- Manbun (male)
- Pigtails (female)
- Mohawk (Unisex)
- Hair in Fancy Bun with Bone (female)
- FlatTop (male)
- Afro (Unisex)
- Dreadlocks (Unisex)
- Cornrows (Unisex)
- War-paint Design 1 – Purple and Black
- War-paint Design 2 – White and Black
- War-paint Design 3 – Purple and White
- Tri-color War-paint Design – Purple, White, and Black
- Tribal Weave 1 – Purple and Black
- Tribal Weave 2 – White and Black
- Tribal Weave 3 – Purple and White
- Tri-color Braid – Purple, White, and Black
- Tri-color Gatherer Fruit Headdress
- Tri-color Warrior Feather Headdress
- Tri-color Oracle Bone Headdress
- Helm of the Ancient SHAman
- Neck
- Shell Necklace (female)
- Bone Necklace (male)
- Long-neck Rings (Unisex)
- Spellcasting Beads – Purple and Black (Unisex)
- Spellcasting Beads – White and Black (Unisex)
- Spellcasting Beads – Purple and White (Unisex)
- Legendary Spellcasting Beads – Purple, White, and Black (Unisex)
- SafeKey Amulet (Unisex)
- Hour-glass Amulet (Unisex)
- Lucky Rabbits Foot (Unisex)
- Bottled Fairy (Unisex)
- Healing Necklace of the Druids (Unisex)
- Necromancer’s Necklace of Death (Unisex)
- Talisman of the Ancient SHAman (Unisex)
- Earrings
- No Earring
- Industrial Toenail Piercing of the Wise Oracle (Unisex)
- Animal Bone Earrings (Unisex)
- Vechain Studs (Unisex)
- Safe Haven Studs (Unisex)
- Four Leaf Dwarven Clover Stud (Unisex)
- Mushroom Studs (Unisex)
- Golden Studs Coated in Pixie-dust (Unisex)
- Whispering Wood Studs (Unisex)
- Studs of the Ancient SHAman (Unisex)
- Face/Eyes
- None
- War-paint (Unisex)
- Tribal Mask – Purple and Black (Unisex)
- Tribal Mask – White and Black (Unisex)
- Tribal Mask – Purple and White (Unisex)
- Tri-color Tribal Mask – Purple, White, and Black (Unisex)
- Third-eye (Unisex)
- Glowing Green Eyes (Unisex)
- Glowing Green Eyes with Third-eye (Unisex)
- Glowing Safe Haven Eyes (Unisex)
- Glowing Safe Haven Eyes with Third-eye (Unisex)
- Handheld/Weapon
- None
- Flute (females)
- Mallet/Drum (males)
- Poison Dart (Unisex)
- Mace (Unisex)
- Incense Urn (Unisex)
- Enchanted Runes (Unisex)
- Wand (Unisex)
- SHAman Staff (Unisex)
- Necromancer’s Staff (Unisex)
- Druid Staff of Longevity (Unisex)
- Alien Artifact (Unisex)
- Banana Bazooka (Unisex)
- Sleepy Mushrooms (Unisex)
- Dream Catcher of the Oracle (Unisex)
- Crystal Sword of the Ancient SHAman (Unisex)
- Longbow of the Elven SHAman (Unisex)
- Hammer of the Giant SHAman (Unisex)
- Chest/Clothes/Armor
- Loin Clothes (males)
- Loin Cloth and Top (females)
- Leather Vest (Unisex)
- Leather and Fur Vest (Unisex)
- Ritual Dance Garment (Unisex)
- Herbal Doctor’s Sash (Unisex)
- Warrior’s Bone Armor (Unisex)
- Golden Armor (Unisex)
- Safe Haven Product Robes – displays logos of products (Unisex)
- SHAman Mage Robes – Tri-color Robe (Unisex)
- Robes of the Ancient SHAman (Unisex)
- Metaphysic Crystal Birthstone (Unisex)
- Citrine
- Amethyst
- Malachite
- Moldavite
- Libyan Desert Glass
- Blood Stone
- Jasper
- Carnelian
- Jade
- Emerald
- Ruby
- Sapphire
- Fluorite
- Lepidolite
- Tiger’s Eye
- Red Garnet
- Black Obsidian
- Clear Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Smokey Quartz
- Angelite
- Blue Kyanite
- Diamond
- Tome Books and Spell Category (Unisex)
- Dark Elven Tome — Dark-art Spells
- Light Elven Tome — Light-art Spells
- Druid Tome — Healing/Shield Spells
- Fairy Tome — Transformation/Buff Spells
- Dwarven Tome — Lucky Forage Spells and Rare Item Drop Multiplier
- Frost Giant Tome — Glacial Spells
- Fire Giant Tome — Infernus Spells
- Earth Giant Tome — Ground Spells
- Cthulhu’s Tome — Water Spells
- Shenlong’s Tome — Wind/Lightning Spells
- Tome of the Ancient SHAman — has all spells!
Follow VeGnomes on Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeGnomes_NFT
Join VeGnomes on Discord: https://discord.com/invite/m95ERYcNZY
Visit the Virtual Gallery on KunstMatrix: https://artspaces.kunstmatrix.com/en/exhibition/9253440/vegnomes-nft
VeGnomes Marketplace on VeSea: https://www.vesea.io/assets?collection=vegnomes
Back to newsJoin the Community in Spreading Awareness
As always, all of us at Safe Haven want to thank our community for your continued support.
Be sure to keep up with our official channels!
- Join the Safe Haven Official Telegram Channel: https://t.me/SafeHavenio
- Join our Official Announcements Channel on Telegram: https://t.me/safehavenio_announcements
- Follow Safe Haven on Twitter: https://twitter.com/safehavenio
- Visit and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/safe-tv