We are happy to inform you that our private sale is a great succes. We are gearing up for our upcoming public ICO. We will announce the dates very soon!
The minimum contribution at this stage is 20ETH, which gives you a special bonus on the token’s price.
Contributions can only be made using ETH with use of our special and private sale link.
Safe Haven’s team will be happy to guide you during the process.
There are still some seats available to participate in our private sale. To reserve your spot , please email us to [email protected].
Every contribution that doesn’t reach the value of 20ETH will be returned to the sender with no option for additional contributions and fee deductions.
Our community is continuously growing at a rapid rate. If you have any questions, you are welcome to get in touch with us on Telegram or via email. Please remember that the team will never contact you first or ask for any money in private!
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