Safe Haven announces PoR (Proof of Read) survey: Our dedication to your knowledge and understanding of the Safe Haven model and the Safe Haven hardware ledger!
In this competition you will be competing against members of the Safe Haven Community to see who has a better understanding of our solutions. Prove to us that you know what Safe Haven stands for and you will win 15 FREE SHA DIGITAL ASSETS just for participating!
How it works?
We will pose few questions about Safe Haven and our upcoming open source hardware ledger. Everyone will take their shot at answering them. The last question will be a random variable for you to guess. Who gets the most questions right and is closest on the last questions wins! The winner will receive an extra 1000 FREE SHA DIGITAL ASSETS! When there are more winners with 10 same answers, the price will be shared amongst the winners.
Winner will be announced in our official telegram group: t.me/safehavenio
What do you need to do?
1. Enter our telegram: https://t.me/safehavenio
2. Complete the questions on the typeform: https://safehaven.typeform.com/to/DiZipV
3. Get rewarded for your knowledge!
The people that participate in our Bounty program can participate in our PoR competition. The competition is limited to 20,000 participants.
The SHA tokens will be distributed 28 days after our public sale at the end of august!
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