Posted on Friday 14 January 2022 at 19:00 Project Updates

Business Development Update
- The team had a meeting with executive officials of ChainLink to pursue oracle services for all products within our suite — Inheriti, SafeSwap, FundRequest, and ThorPay.
- Additional Inheriti integration partnerships are currently being reviewed, more to follow next week.
- Expansion of the Communications Department is enabling our organization to scale at rapid rates; medium article to announce said changes soon to follow.
Technical Development Update
- SafeSwap has been ready on the Safe Haven side for some time now and all suggested changes from the first audit have been implemented. However, due to the integration of another project’s token contract (currently running on ETH), a new schedule had to be made for the final phase of the audit. During this week, Red4Sec informed us that they can start on February 8, or sooner if a slot becomes available. Though we must wait a little longer, security is always our primary focus and we intend to keep our integrity whole, so please be patient as we await the launch of the first Atomic Swap platform for VeChain.
- The listing of new projects will take less time, because the software will already be audited, and we are pleased to state that numerous projects are interested in listing.
- Also, the partnered project for SafeSwap support is waiting for their platform audits to complete, so this delay puts no stress on our business client.
Community Engagement Update
- The artwork for both VNFT soundtracks is being finalized with a medium article to define Safe Haven’s vision for Ambassador and community NFTs.
- Tyler has collaborated with an upcoming VNFT project to include SHA token airdrops to those who mint Safe Haven related NFTs within their NFT collection. To further explain, most NFTs are known for having multiple attributes (headgear/eye-types/mouth-types/species/background-art/etc), so imagine having a limited attribute that only appears in a select handful of NFT characters; minting the Safe Haven themed NFTs will be very rare.
- At 2pm CST on Saturday, Not_So_Fungible will be interviewing Tyler to discuss many Safe Haven related matters and the session will be posted on his YouTube channel.
- A partnership announcement will be made during the interview!
- More VNFT and SHA giveaway competitions are in development 👀🎁