Safe Haven solves a real problem in this community! - Safe Haven

Safe Haven solves a real problem in this community!

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Safe Haven is going to revolutionize the market as it solves a real problem in the community. We are desperately in need of a solution that guarantees the safe and secure passage of keys and seeds to our relatives if anything were to happen to us.

Safe Haven is the first solution to this issue that allows the user to have complete access while he/she is still around. Safe Haven Is a digital asset Inheritance service backed up by legal entities. We developed a unique protocol called the “Family Circle Share Distribution Protocol” which enables us to not store 100% of the private keys/seeds/passphrases on the blockchain in a decentralised database. Instead, we only store a small part on it with the help of cryptographic algorithms.

That share will be executed (deployment and release) on the blockchain through the validation process backed up by legal entities. This process is called the TAN (Trust Alliance Network), this patented process will be theoretically quantum proof and the most secure way to achieve a transparent passage of Digital Assets to other stakeholders or heirs. It’s totally upon the user whether or not he chooses to use our partial decentralized solution or chooses to go for 100% decentralization on the blockchain.
We offer it all.

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