As we have mentioned, our intent is to deliver the pricing models and gas usage of all platforms as they roll out. In our efforts to secure the milestones laid before us within the first quarter, one could understand we now have some catching up to do in regards to these business models. Below you find the detailed business model for the ThorPay platform and the Safe Haven Inheritance Platform (SHIP).
A few aspects we want to address prior to the breakdowns you will find below:
- Gas usage [VTHO] was calculated using the all-time-high to ensure the most overarching scenario based on the market
- Gas requirements have been doubled as to account for network usage and possible future congestion
- Gas that is not utilized by the network in the transaction will be considered for the community pool and burn (more on this below)
- Platform Credits (PC) — As Safe Haven strives for mass adoption, our platforms will have PCs integrated. These PCs will allow for us to track usage of the solutions and act as an internal credit which allows mass adoption without the need for wallet or token involvement beyond the minimum required to use a platform. No moving tokens from wallet to wallet in efforts to utilize our solutions
- SHA solution requirements are calculated in USD, to address drastic changes in market value of SHA

Safe Haven Inheritance Platform (SHIP)

SHIP Requires the Following:
- Hold a minimum amount of SHA
- Payment of yearly subscription fees
- Payment of gas fees associated with initiating your inheritance plan on the network
How Does This Affect Nodeholder Community Pool and Burn?
The most efficient way explain this is to provide a simple example, let us assume the following:
Part 1. John is establishing his inheritance plan. The gas required by the network to complete his transaction is 100 VTHO. For this transaction, the SHIP platform will require 200 VTHO to ensure that all variables are satisfied. The remainder of unused VTHO will be dedicated to the community pool and burn elements.
Part 2. The gas utilized by the transaction [100 VTHO] will have been claimed by the network. As such, the total gas afforded to the community pool and burn remains at 50 percent of the total contribution. To address the shortfall in community pool and burn contributions [100 VTHO; 50 percent], Safe Haven will contribute 100 VTHO to the pool (or any denomination necessary to satisfy the total gas requested for using a solution). Thus, the original requirement of 200 VTHO will have been fully redistributed to the community pool and burn functions.
Part 3. Safe Haven will then utilize all gas accumulated to obtain SHA on the open market [this will occur every seven (7) days; distribution will occur once monthly]. SHA obtained (totaling gas required/utilized) using this method will then be dedicated according to the following:
- 80 percent will be dedicated to the community pool
- 20 percent will be burned
*Important Note* In solutions which utilize a token outside of SHA or VTHO, the project/specific token being utilized will be dedicated to the community pool ‘as is’. The 20 percent dedicated to the burn function will be converted to SHA and burned appropriately.
In regards to all Safe Haven solutions, an overall change has been made to lock the specific amounts dedicated to community pool and burn functions. For all solutions, 80 percent of gas will be dedicated to the community pool and distributed to node holders. The remaining 20 percent of gas fees will be burned. The decision to simplify the numbers was made in efforts to streamline the process internally and allow for the community to have a better understanding of the economics behind Safe Haven.
What About My Nodeholder Discount?
Nodeholder discounts will first be available by utilizing the user profile with Safe Haven solutions. Users will link the wallet address which hosts the highest associated node. Once SafeID is launched, the node wallet will be linked to the SafeID profile and will travel with the user’s identification from solution to solution. This aspect is still currently under development.
We will continue to update the community with additional developments regarding platforms as they are clarified. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to address them within our official Telegram. Thank you to our community members for your continued support.
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