Development Update 2024/03 - Safe Haven

Development Update 2024/03

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In the fast-paced world of innovation and technology, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest advancements. As we navigate through the ever-shifting development landscape, it becomes essential to provide our community with transparent insights into our progress.

Now you can sit back and relax as we take you through the highlights of our past month.

Syscoin/Rollux Partnership

We are pleased to let you know that our partnership with Rollux has been announced. Rollux revolutionizes the way smart contracts and dapps can be built on Bitcoin. Built on the strengths of Syscoin, Bitcoin’s only modular network, Rollux is ready to onboard institutions and retail by offering the most secure, decentralized, scalable and affordable EVM experience in the industry, paving the way for mass adoption. Syscoin and Rollux are tailor-made from the ground up to honor Bitcoin’s principles of decentralization and security, enhancing the utility of the first and greatest blockchain with large upgrades to transaction throughput and efficiency.

Rollux is an EVM L2 (Layer 2) blockchain running on Syscoin, inheriting more than half of Bitcoin’s hashrate through merged mining. It has its own Bitcoin DA solution (Decentralized Application), that enables builders to develop and run decentralized applications without the involvement of a central authority. The combination of Bitcoin, Syscoin and Rollux delivers unmatched, reliable data availability and the high performance transactions needed to propel Bitcoin to the top of DeFi, dapps and accessibility.

The partnership and the joint plans will be further discussed during an AMA on April 20.

House of Chud X Space AMA Session

On 7h of March our team member Alex had the pleasure of joining the captivating “House of Chud” X Spaces session hosted by Chudnufski. The discussion focused on the problems we solve in Web3 and beyond, providing valuable insights into how Safe Haven’s innovative technologies address the evolving needs of the crypto space.

If you missed the live session, you can now replay the recording and gain a deeper understanding of our solutions and their impact on the industry.

Demonstration Day SafeSwap for OP Builders and Users

On March 7 we joined the Optimism Demonstration Day to showcase SafeSwap to OP builders and users. The responses where all positive, not only on the working and features of SafeSwap, but also about the quality of the tutorial video we produced for demonstrations to the OP community.

SafeSwap Tutorial Video

We showcased our new tutorial video demonstrating cross-chain atomic swaps between Optimism and VeChain to educate OP builders and users on the use of SafeSwap. A similar set is in progress for Inheriti® 2.0.

We invite you to view the video for yourself and discover the innovative features firsthand.

Anodos Finance Partnership Update

We are proud to share that our token $SHA is now on XRPLedger. We’re creating a gateway for users to swap SHA tokens effortlessly on XRPL’s Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and join the upcoming Automated Market Maker (AMM). This means more accessibility, more opportunities, and more liquidity for SHA token within the vibrant XRPL ecosystem.

Inheriti® 2.0 Update

It brings us joy to share a fresh update on Inheriti® 2.0 as we wrap up a bustling month, finalizing our internal testing, developing the last set of features for launch, and gearing up for private beta testing and security audits.

Here’s a closer look at what we’ve been up to:

Enhanced Mobile Accessibility

This month, we focused on improving mobile accessibility, a critical step toward ensuring that our users can manage their digital legacy on the go. Recognizing the increasing reliance on mobile devices, we’ve built a responsive web application that adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. It’s not the same as a full mobile app yet, but this advancement ensures that users can interact with Inheriti® 2.0 with the same efficiency and security as on a desktop, providing a consistent and user-friendly experience across all platforms and devices.

Implemented a Toggle for Web3 Features

Inheriti® 2.0 introduces a novel user-centric feature: the ability to toggle Web3 functionalities on or off, providing users unprecedented control over their digital legacy management experience.

Building upon the solid Web3 foundation of Inheriti® 1.0, where paying for protection plans with SHA tokens on vechain was standard, Inheriti® 2.0 broadens its reach by offering a Web2 experience and fiat payments alongside its blockchain capabilities.

With the Web3 toggle enabled, users can leverage the full potential of blockchain technology within Inheriti® 2.0 by paying for protection plans with SHA tokens and connecting their SafeNode wallet to access additional benefits.

Inheriti® 2.0 even supports multiple blockchains now!

However, even when users choose to disable the Web3 toggle, the integrity and security of their digital legacy remain uncompromised. Plan shares continue to be stored securely on the blockchain, and SHA tokens are still used in the background to fuel the smart contracts, ensuring every user benefits from blockchain’s inherent security features and decentralization.

The toggle simply provides users with the flexibility to engage with additional Web3 functionalities based on their preference and expertise, making Inheriti® 2.0 an inclusive and flexible platform for users with varying degrees of blockchain familiarity.

This feature also makes it easier for us to comply with local laws, and to disable Web3 features by default in areas where crypto is prohibited.


Continued SafeKey Mobile Development

This month, amongst other things, this involved integrating Merge Authority (MA) shares, opening up the possibility to create protection plans via Inheriti® with only a mobile phone (no SafeKey Pro device required).

Other things we built are share encryption via a personal and unique PIN code, and mobile plan merging by scanning a QR code instead of having to plug a physical SafeKey Pro in your computer.

So now, with SafeKey Mobile, users can easily and securely claim and release plan shares, initiate the merging process as the Merge Authority via QR code scanning, and enjoy a streamlined experience that harmonizes with the rest of our ecosystem.


SafeNode Integration for Loyal Community Members

Inheriti® 2.0 introduces a significant upgrade to the SafeNode experience. Previously, SafeNode visibility and interaction were confined to the SafeNode app, with limited direct utility within the broader ecosystem.

Now, Inheriti® 2.0 transforms this experience by enabling users to connect the wallet holding their SafeNode directly to your account.

Upon connecting their SafeNode wallet, users will instantly gain access to an array of exclusive advantages. These include loyalty discounts on creating protection plans, sponsored VTHO gas tokens to facilitate transactions, and a yearly share of the rewards pool, among others.

This seamless integration ensures that the benefits are directly applied and realized within Inheriti®, enhancing the value and experience for SafeNode holders.

For instance, when a user with a connected SafeNode wallet chooses to pay for a protection plan using the same wallet, discounts are automatically applied, streamlining the process and reinforcing the advantages of being a SafeNode holder.

This enhancement not only acknowledges the commitment of our loyal SafeNode holders, but also enriches their interaction with Inheriti® 2.0.


Multichain Expansion

Inheriti® 1.0 and the SHA token were exclusively tied to the vechain blockchain, which served as the sole blockchain storage layer for plan shares. However, the development of SafeSwap, our innovative atomic swapping protocol, have paved the way for a groundbreaking transition to a multichain environment.

SafeSwap has already integrated multiple blockchains, including vechain, Ethereum, Optimism, Polygon, BNB Chain and Base, facilitating the seamless swapping of SHA tokens across these varied blockchain networks.

So thanks to SafeSwap, the SHA token has transformed into a versatile multichain asset, enabling Inheriti® to evolve into a multichain application. This transition allows us to deploy smart contracts across various blockchains, using the multichain SHA token to fuel these contracts, thereby enhancing the platform’s robustness and user reach.

At launch, Inheriti® 2.0 will thus not only support vechain but will also include Ethereum and Optimism as additional blockchain layers for storing plan shares. This expansion ensures that users have more flexibility and choice in how they interact with the platform, providing a more inclusive and versatile digital legacy management and data protection experience.

As we continue to integrate more blockchains, Inheriti® 2.0’s capabilities will only grow, solidifying our commitment to innovation, accessibility and the broad adoption of Inheriti®.

Integrated Multiple Wallets

Recognizing the diverse preferences and needs of our community, we’ve expanded our support to include a range of compatible wallets such as Comet, Venly, VeWorld, and MetaMask.

We’ll keep adding more and more wallets in the future, as we’re expanding across more and more blockchains as well.

This integration ensures that users have the freedom to choose their preferred blockchain and wallet, facilitating a more personalized and flexible experience.


Other Improvements

Beyond these key areas, we’ve been tirelessly working on other improvements, such as refining data asset types, implementing a new security barometer algorithm, and ensuring our platform’s compliance with GDPR and MiCAR.

These enhancements are part of our ongoing commitment to provide a secure and user-friendly, but also a compliant platform.

We take our users’ privacy and data security seriously. We’ve built Inheriti® 2.0 to ensure full compliance with GDPR, providing users with full control over their personal information.

In line with MiCAR regulations, we’ve streamlined processes for account deletion, plan destruction, and user data management, making it easier for users to manage their digital footprint while ensuring their data is handled with the utmost care and intigrity.

Response to a sneak preview by community member:

” It’s really “wow!” Everything is clearly indicated and it is really easy to complete. It looks so trustworthy and professional, and it is very very user-friendly. “

Private Beta Testing Opening Soon – Apply Now

As we look forward to the coming weeks and months, we’re happy to reveal more developments and invite more community members to join our private beta testing group.

Your participation and feedback will be invaluable as we continue to shape Inheriti® 2.0 into a platform that truly meets your needs and expectations.

Apply as a Private Beta Tester for Inheriti® 2.0:

Marketing Specialist

We are currently working on our marketing plan and have brought on board a senior marketing specialist that has started early March. He is a long-time follower, contributor of Safe Haven since ICO, with extensive experience in (fin)tech and crypto marketing and has spent the last 5 weeks analyzing the competition, scoping the market and getting to know the team.

The marketing strategy will be focused on creating awareness with regards to Digital Inheritance, positioning Safe Haven as thought- and industry leader and the promotion and visibility of Inheriti®. We have defined two very clear target audiences; institutions and individuals and will run marketing and outreach campaigns targeting both. These campaigns will include a broad range of (visual) content marketing campaigns across numerous channels, community engagement campaigns, partnership marketing and other strategic marketing efforts; we are currently working on the different stages and are excited about the response we are receiving from different media and marketing partners. More to follow.

Inheriti® Launch Event

We would like to share that we are working on organizing Inheriti® 2.0 launch event. Currently, we are looking for a suitable venue in the Netherlands or Belgium. Our plan is to invite our closest partners and media. To have an idea of how many people are coming, you can register in advance. The number of guests will be limited. Node holders have priority access.

Register here:

We are looking forward to this celebration with community and the team!

Short News

  • Our team will join the Startup Grind Global conference in Silicon Valley this April. Our mission there will be to educate and assist Web2 companies in transitioning to Web3.

  • We’ve officially joined the Solution Provider Network by Polygon. Stay tuned for upcoming developments as we collaborate to drive innovation and scalability in the blockchain space.

  • The poll posted on X by our teammate Alex provided valuable insight into the interests of our community. It reveals that our products are aligned with community needs.

  • We have begun working on a new SafeSwap dashboard. This dashboard will display the number and value of swaps, social media engagement metrics including the number of tweets/retweets and followers of our official account, as well as tokenomics/community statistics such as the number of nodeholders and members in our official Telegram group. This visual below shows the monthly increase in accumulated volume.


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