Presenting Safe Haven Q3 Recap and year-end expectations.
Quite a bit is being finished behind the scenes and every working-minute of the day is utilized to push out several products before the year ends. In September, 2019, we revealed the final roadmap for the remainder of the year [above] and we will touch on several aspects of that and beyond throughout this update.
Product/Solution Review
Safe Haven Inheritance Platform or Inheriti — BETA
ThorBlock V2
- Fundraising
- Charity
Of course, we did kick off our first charity raise prior to ThorBlock v2, because we felt the nature of the issue warranted such. You can find more information about that initiative on our OneTreePlanted release. We would like to thank those who have taken steps to donate to this ongoing cause and those who have pledged potential donations in the near future. This is the first of many Safe Haven sponsored initiatives that will occur in the coming months. As a reminder, Safe Haven has established a volunteer organization known as COVE, which will collaboratively work to bring sponsored initiatives to the community that will draw interest. More on this below.
As it is slated now, ThorBlock V2 will be released this month [October]. With the release of V2, SHA token utility will also have been integrated. As a reminder the utility aspect is outlined in the graph below:

SafeKey Shipping and Delivery
SafeKey has been shipped and is being delivered all over the world. SafeKey is a massive milestone and will be critical to the Safe Haven ecosystem, especially Inheriti. Those who have the SafeKey in hand, will be able to test the Inheriti BETA in the coming weeks. In the meanwhile, please feel free to review our SafeKey Library; there is a wealth of information for all levels of inquiry.
Furthermore, we have listened to the suggestions brought on by the community and are looking for solutions regarding the following aspects of SafeKey:
- Shipping
- Labeling
- Directives
As always, we appreciate the community’s interest in bringing forth concerns or suggestions. Keep them coming.
NODE has been submitted to Android and the BETA has been approved. At this time, we do not see any issues and will shortly make NODE BETA available to the public for immediate feedback. Good news on the IOS side has allowed us to feel confident in a relatively close live release for both versions. We want to preface that this will be a BETA release. We expect community feedback and welcome it.
A few things that we want to mention in regards to the process moving forward:
- All snapshot holders will be given one month to apply for their connect node
- Every week [4], we will run an init script which will upgrade the nodes to the highest level against each individual’s balance at the time of the snapshot
We are giving a month’s time, as we want to ensure that everyone who loaded for the snapshot is able to waive their maturity.
Safe Haven Inheritance Platform or Inheriti
As SafeKeys are now shipped, our U.S. based development team responsible for SafeKey has been reassigned to utilize their resources on finishing the final libraries and technical updates on Inheriti. As the final [SafeKey] orders are being delivered, the development team is preparing the Inheriti BETA. A few points:
- The BETA’s front-end is not the final design
- Inheriti BETA’s goal is to allow the community to better understand the usage, structure, and “general flow”.
As we have alluded, discussions are ongoing to incorporate a multi-chain aspect to the Safe Haven ecosystem. We believe the market (on a macro-scale) will be especially receptive to our core solution: Inheriti, and we are considering possible solutions which will allow us to integrate it [Inheriti] into every major protocol. One possible solution that would solve the swap-liquidity concerns involved with multi-chain solutions, is “SecurEx” (or so we have been calling it). SecurEx, is currently defining the legal and compliance structure. SecurEx would be a one-stop platform where all protocols would be intertwined and work in harmony. Its primary purpose would be to provide our extended community with the liquidity necessary to utilize our multi-chain solutions. SecurEx would incorporate our DEX smart contracts into a simple and pleasing front-end exchange-like platform.
Hardware Security Module (HSM)
With the focus set on NODE/INHERITI/ThorBlock v2, we have not moved forward on HSM. It remains in the very early discussion phases with our partner, NitroKey. Once we can update our community about this solution, we will.
ThorPay’s initial front-end is nearing completion, however resources were moved to NODE/Inheriti/ThorBlock v2. ThorPay back-end completion is still possible before the end of Q4, though we are expecting a more realistic soft date of Q1, 2020.
SafeID has been completed and integrated into ThorBlock and Inheriti BETA. SafeID has been mentioned only a handful of times. Here is an overview:
SafeID is an identity provider built on the OAuth2 protocol that provides a secure method for log-on into many websites with a single username and password. Provides our users a one-time registration of credentials to be used across all SafeHaven/SafeTech related sites/applications. We call this Single Sign-on or SSO.
SafeID provides:
- Convenient and secure method of seamless login credentials
- Ease-of-use
Functioning as:
- Identity management
- Access management
- Payment management …
…system for the Safe Haven platform.
Internal Organizations
Charitable Outreach for Vibrant Efforts
We also wanted to give a slight update on COVE. With our recent COVE Introduction, we have started to make small preparations for what COVE will be; how communication is addressed and processes within. Most is covered and can be reviewed within the introduction piece, however some aspects require the full onboarding of members, which will occur Q1 2020.
Safe Haven Government
More recently, we have observed greater interest in the Government. A few times we have touched base on this within the official Telegram, however we wanted to use this opportunity to inform the community further on what it will consist of. The most important aspect is that the Government will be “what you make of it”. Aspects we would like to see employed within the organization is as follows:
Community Outreach — Members will be the ears to the community. This does not mean that the core team will be doing less listening, but it will allow for the focus necessary to continue moving forward with Safe Haven as an organization.
Community Voice — In relation to above, the Government will also become an element of voice for the community. Government will be able to address community concerns in a professional and respectful manner, privately. If the concern is great enough to be addressed by the core team after their [Government] findings, it will be followed-up with accordingly.
Events — Government members (if they wish to be) will be involved in community events to the extent in which they wish. They will also be able to host local events powered by Safe Haven.
Partnerships — Government members may identify potential like-minded partnerships for Safe Haven to research as potential collaborative parties.
Votes — Votes can be held by the Government for items which may be brought to the attention of the Safe Haven team for either “competencies or concerns”, which may have been only found by a collaborative body.
The Safe Haven Government will have 15 seats*. To select the most qualified individuals they will be required to submit the following information:
- Completed questionnaire
- Personal resume/CV
- Re-KYC
This information will then be reviewed by Safe Haven and selections will be made.
*The Government will be permitted to increase the seats within the organization once every quarter, if deemed necessary and with just cause. Only one seat may be added every cycle. Selection for that seat will follow the methods above.
Safe Haven’s selection process does not discriminate on basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor.
We have our expectations set high for a very solid Q4, and are excited to begin a new phase of platform improvement and product marketing that will drive Safe Haven utility. As always, we thank our community for the continued support. Please stay tuned for future developments.
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