The Shamanic Oracles team are evolving the concept of NFT role-playing-games and rarity stratifications, by implementing a novel fusion system that enables players to burn two NFT characters of the same gender and level, so that each player can build their minted Fusion NFTs with the desired attributes available from the categories of both burnt NFTs.
The rarity of each NFT collection will change overtime, as players perform fusions and reduce the total number of attributes available within categories of that ranking tier, and value is not determined by the rank alone – some attributes become highly sought by players requiring them for specific fusions in their playing deck!
Fusion Burning and Utility Protocols
There are 244 different attributes – split amongst 11 different categories: background, skin-types, robe, hair, neck, earrings, face, handheld, clothing, crystal, tomes, and gender – enabling +60trillion possible combinations that can be generated with the starting attribute supply of NFT collection number one.
As new Shamanic Oracles NFT tribe collections (supply of 10K) are introduced into the ecosystem, and a new island is added to the game for implementing the lore of the tribe and NFT collaboration partner for that season, the total amount of available combinations for fusing will increase exponentially!
Since we are building an RPG game, we wanted to give the power to players by allowing them to fuse NFT characters to unlock the desired attributes that provide the best strategy suited for their collected deck – each attribute has a unique ability with special skills/effects, so it is wise to focus on building 5 specific character-builds to have a well adjusted team for battling in the game: immobilizer, area of effect, buffer/debuffer, assassin, healer, mushroom master, wizard, tank/shield, silencer, etc…
Burning Protocols 🔥
Players must burn NFTs and pay fees with $SHA to perform a fusion on the blockchain; fusions reduce the overall available supply of playable characters and attributes, causing specific attribute types to become further limited as fusions occur, which helps increase the value of NFTs because the remaining attributes are highly sought by others.
OG level NFTs (non-fused NFTs) with a low ranking may be more valuable than an OG NFT with a high ranking, if one or more of the attributes linked to the low ranked OG NFT is needed by another player that wants to fuse for legendary attributes, so make sure to learn all metrics of the game to best understand the value behind your collection!
Utility Protocols
Each fusion level requires a certain amount of $SHA to be paid for the service fee – the fee is split into many percentages that are distributed to specific sectors for funding the economy and future progression of the project:
🏛 Foundation – 25%
🤑 Play-to-Earn Reward Wallet – 20%
🛠 Node Utility Reward Pool – 15%
🚜 SafeSwap Farming Reward Pools – 12.5%
🎮 Game Development – 10%
📝 Smart Contract Reserves – 10%
⚖️ DAO – 5%
💹 Marketing – 2.5%
Utility protocols within each sector are what enable the project to continue with further developments and provide the rewards to specific sectors of the economy – these percentages can be changed by the foundation in the future as certain sectors prove to require larger portions of utility rewards.
Requirements and Procedure to Fuse
Requirements 🤔💭
It takes a tremendous amount of ‘chakra’ to awaken and transcend through each level of consciousness for fusing RPG character NFTs together on the blockchain.
Players must fuse two NFTs, of the same gender and level, with a specific amount of ‘Chakra NFTs’ and $SHA depending on the level of fusion being performed.
Procedure 👨🔬🧪
Select two Shamanic Oracles of the same level and gender for fusion.
Select the attribute desired from each category – dual attributes turn Legendary.
Burn both Shamanic Oracles and the amount of Chakra NFTs required.
Pay the ‘Fusion Fee’.
After the smart contract is signed, and payment is received, all required NFTs will be burnt and the Fusion NFT will be delivered to the wallet performing a fusion!
If the player fuses two NFTs that have the same attribute in one category, then the attribute for the fused NFT becomes legendary and the effects/ability is drastically improved – to obtain a Legendary Level 5 Fusion NFT, all attribute categories must have a legendary attribute; a player must unlock 2-3 legendary attribute categories for each of the five fusion levels to achieve this rare milestone!
Attribute Level Convergence
All previously upgraded attribute levels will converge while fusing and if a legendary attribute is formed then the greater of the two levels are retained – no one will be penalized for fusing before or after attributes are fully upgraded; if a player chooses a level-2 attribute for that category then the level will not be downgraded during fusion, and if two NFTs are being fused with attributes of the same type then the greater of the two levels will be retained.
However, it is wise to fuse characters before breeding to enable the greatest possibility of unique teenagers being birthed with legendary attributes that can be upgraded to heirloom attributes!
Heirloom attributes will be further explained in the breeding article, but it is essentially the same process as unlocking legendary attributes, because these attributes are exclusive to offspring NFTs – two of the same legendary attributes must be fused to unlock heirloom attributes within the teenager collection’s.
9 Benefits of Fusing 🧬
Role-playing experiences a player exerts upon an NFT is reflected on the blockchain and all statistics are recorded in real-time.
Supply of total NFT collections, and attributes within specific categories of collections, decrease as fusions occur.
Provides extra utility to low ranked NFTs in each collection; low ranked NFTs may have one or more rare attributes desired for fusions performed by other players.
Enables players to fully emerge themselves in an RPG environment by allowing them to customize characters and their battle strategies.
Provides further utility rewards to the ecosystem enabling the development to be continuous and sustainable.
Allows play-to-earn tournaments and quests in-game to be more fair by enabling a matching system based upon a weighted-ranking system.
Chakra NFTs enter the ecosystem, and can be farmed or earned to utilize for personal fusions, which ultimately becomes an asset that can be traded for another once obtained.
Bolsters interactions between the community and general public by enabling multiple marketing events that encourage people to fuse and share their results on social media.
Legendary attributes enter the ecosystem to open special quests in-game and establish the end-game characters of the Shamanic Oracles NFT collections.
Fusion DAO Proposals ⚖️
The community will vote on which of the following proposals are to be declared as the foundation for all future fusion fees – the fee starts at x $SHA and each fusion-level fee increases by a multiple of x:
Proposal A = 1.25 (25% increase)
- Fusion Level 1: 9,375 $SHA
- Fusion Level 2: 11,719 $SHA
- Fusion Level 3: 14,649 $SHA
- Fusion Level 4: 18,311 $SHA
- Fusion Level 5: 22,888 $SHA
Fusion Process and Total Cost of Lvl5 with Proposal A:
Burn 2 Shamanic Oracles and 1 Chakra NFT, and pay 9,375 $SHA to receive 1 Lvl1 Fusion NFT – repeat action x2 (costs 18,750 $SHA).
Burn 2 Lvl1 Fusion and 3 Chakra NFTs, and pay 11,719 $SHA to receive 1 lvl2 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 1-2 – costs 30,469 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 14,649 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 3 twice to obtain two Lvl2 Fusion NFTs – costs 60,938 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 14,649 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 5 – costs 60,938 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 14,649 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Burn 2 Lvl3 Fusion and 10 Chakra NFTs, and pay 18,311 $SHA to receive 1 lvl4 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 5-9 to obtain one Lvl 4 Fusion NFTs – costs 168,945 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl4 Fusion and 15 Chakra NFTs, and pay 22,888 $SHA to receive 1 lvl5 Fusion NFT.
Proposal B = 1.375 (37.5% increase)
- Fusion Level 1: 10,313 $SHA
- Fusion Level 2: 14,180 $SHA
- Fusion Level 3: 19,498 $SHA
- Fusion Level 4: 26,810 $SHA
- Fusion Level 5: 36,864 $SHA
Fusion Process and Total Cost of Lvl5 with Proposal B:
Burn 2 Shamanic Oracles and 1 Chakra NFT, and pay 10,313 $SHA to receive 1 Lvl1 Fusion NFT – repeat action x2 (costs 20,626 $SHA).
Burn 2 Lvl1 Fusion and 3 Chakra NFTs, and pay 14,180 $SHA to receive 1 lvl2 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 1-2 – costs 34,806 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 19,498 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 3 twice to obtain two Lvl2 Fusion NFTs – costs 69,612 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 19,498 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 5 – costs 69,612 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 19,498 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Burn 2 Lvl3 Fusion and 10 Chakra NFTs, and pay 26,810 $SHA to receive 1 lvl4 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 5-9 to obtain one Lvl 4 Fusion NFTs – costs 205,030 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl4 Fusion and 15 Chakra NFTs, and pay 36,864 $SHA to receive 1 lvl5 Fusion NFT.
Proposal C = 1.50 (50% increase)
- Fusion Level 1: 11,250 $SHA
- Fusion Level 2: 16,875 $SHA
- Fusion Level 3: 25,313 $SHA
- Fusion Level 4: 37,970 $SHA
- Fusion Level 5: 56,955 $SHA
Fusion Process and Total Cost of Lvl5 with Proposal C:
Burn 2 Shamanic Oracles and 1 Chakra NFT, and pay 11,250 $SHA to receive 1 Lvl1 Fusion NFT – repeat action x2 (costs 22,500 $SHA).
Burn 2 Lvl1 Fusion and 3 Chakra NFTs, and pay 16,875 $SHA to receive 1 lvl2 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 1-2 – costs 39,375 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 25,313 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 3 twice to obtain two Lvl2 Fusion NFTs – costs 78,750 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 25,313 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Repeat step 5 – costs 78,750 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl2 Fusion and 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 25,313 $SHA to receive 1 lvl3 Fusion NFT.
Burn 2 Lvl3 Fusion and 10 Chakra NFTs, and pay 37,970 $SHA to receive 1 lvl4 Fusion NFT.
Repeat steps 5-9 to obtain one Lvl 4 Fusion NFTs – costs 246,096 $SHA.
Burn 2 Lvl4 Fusion and 15 Chakra NFTs, and pay 56,955 $SHA to receive 1 lvl5 Fusion NFT.
Fusion Examples 🕵️♂️🔎
View the examples below to see how the card-art of each RPG character changes as ascension to higher fusion levels are transcended.
Unlock Fusion NFT Lvl 1
Burn TWO Shamanic Oracles of same the gender, burn 1 Chakra NFT, and pay 9,375 $SHA.
Unlock Fusion NFT Lvl 2
Burn TWO Lvl-1 Fusion NFT characters of same the gender, burn 3 Chakra NFTs, and pay 11,719 $SHA.
Unlock Fusion NFT Lvl 3
Burn TWO Lvl-2 Fusion NFT characters of same the gender, burn 6 Chakra NFTs, and pay 14,649 $SHA.
Unlock Fusion NFT Lvl 4
Burn TWO Lvl-3 Fusion NFT characters of the same gender, burn 10 Chakra NFTs, and pay 18,311 $SHA.
Unlock Fusion NFT Lvl 5
Burn TWO Lvl-4 Fusion NFT characters of same the gender, burn 15 Chakra NFTs, and pay 22,888 $SHA.
RPG “Character-Build” Examples
There are many different types of character-builds a player can build for their deck – immobilizer, area of effect, buffer and debuffer, assassin, healer, mushroom master, wizard, tank/shield, silencer, etc. – and many other unique builds become possible when fusion protocols are enabled!
Immobilizer 😵💫🤕
Attributes that immobilize (stun/freeze/sleep) one or more enemies to prevent their skills from being utilized.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Safe Haven Studs, Whispering Wood Studs, and No Earring.
- Face: Oval Tribal Mask, Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Purple and White Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, and Chief Headdress.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Mallet and Drum, Wooden Club, Flute, Sleepy Mushrooms, Spiked Club, Poison Club, Stone War Hammer, Tomahawk, Enchanted Runes, Bottle Rocket, Katana, Crystal Sword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: SafeKey Amulet, Mystery Pouch, Healing Necklace of the Druids, and Bottled Fairy.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Earth, Frost, Cthulhu, Shenlong, Druid, and the Ancient Shaman.
Area of Effect (AOE) 🧨💥
Attributes that damage one or more enemies (or give buffs to multiple friendlies) and have a chance to deal special effects/statuses.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Any
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Any
- Face: Any
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Mallet and Drum, Incense Urn, Flute, Purple Lantern, Flail, Spiked Longbow, Wand, Enchanted Runes, Bottle Rocket, Crystal Sword, Flaming Broadsword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: Normal Beads, Purple and Black Bead, White and Black Beads, Purple and White Beads, Mystery Pouch, Shell Necklace, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Skull Necklace, Hourglass Amulet, Lucky Rabbit’s Foot, Poisonous Skull Necklace, and Legendary Tri Color beads.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Gnome, Earth, Frost, Fire, Cthulhu, Shenlong, Light Elven, Dark Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Buffer and Debuffer 💪/☠️
Attribute skills that buff one or more friendlies to boost the effects of skills being utilized (includes healing and removing negative statuses), and attributes that debuff one or more enemies to prevent or weaken the skills being utilized – there is a wide variety of attributes that buff/debuff and you can fuse NFTs to create the variance desired.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Any
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Any
- Face: Any
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Mallet and Drum, Incense Urn, Mace, Flute, Sleepy Mushroom, Purple Lantern, Spiked Club, Kunai Knife, Flail, Poison Club, Stone War Hammer, Longbow, Tomahawk, Broadsword, Spiked Longbow, Dream Catcher, SHAman Staff, Wand, Enchanted Runes, Necromancer’s Staff, Druid Staff of Longevity, Bottle Rocket, Katana, Crystal Sword, Flaming Broadsword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: Normal Beads, Purple and Black Bead, White and Black Beads, SafeKey Amulet, Purple and White Beads, Mystery Pouch, Shell Necklace, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Mushroom in a Bottle, Hourglass Amulet, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Lucky Rabbit’s Foot, Poisonous Skull Necklace, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Legendary Tri Color beads, and Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: All tomes have at least one buff/debuff spell effect.
Assassin 🥷⚔️
Attributes that deal significant damage to one or more enemies and attributes that drastically increase friendly character attack stats.
- Background: Bubbling Volcano, Bamboo Sunset, Beach, Igloo with Fishing Hole, Dungeon, Pyramids and Blood Moon, Red Crystal Mine, Day Time Jungle, Night Time Jungle, Night Pyramids and Blood Moon, Shaman on the Moon, Yellow Crystal Mine, Orange Crystal Mine, Green Crystal Mine, Purple Crystal Mine, Graveyard with Spirits, Psychedelic Vibrations, Village, Blue Crystal Mine, and Cosmic Moon.
- Clothing: Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Libyan Desert Glass and Moldavite.
- Earrings: Nose Ring, Bone Earrings, Bone Nose and Earrings, and No Earrings.
- Face: Sad, Mad, Purple and Black War Paint, White and Black War Paint, Tri Color War Paint, Oval Tribal Mask, Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Green and Red Tribal Mask, Purple and White Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, Headdress, Chief Headdress, Ram’s Head, Third Eye, Glowing Green Eyes, Glowing Green Eyes with Third Eye, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes with Third Eye, Flaming Skull, Ancient Flaming Skull, Ukiyoe Warriors Golden Oni Mask.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Blue Mohawk, Red Mohawk, Orange Afro, Brown Braid with Crown, Black Braid with Crown, Yellow Braid with Crown, Purple Mohawk, Tri Color Braid, and Tri Color Braid with Crown.
- Handheld: Kunai Knife, Flail, Tomahawk, Spike Longbow, Enchanted Runes, Bottle Rocket, Katana, Crystal Sword, Flaming Broadsword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: Purple and Black Spellcasting Beads, White and Black Spellcasting Beads, Purple and White Spellcasting Beads, Mystery Pouch, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Skull Necklace, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Lucky Rabbit’s Foot, Poisonous Skull Necklace, Legendary Tri Color Beads, and Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Ape, Alien, and Starchild.
- Tome: Frost, Fire, Cthulhu, Shenlong, Light Elven, Dark Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Healer ❤️🩹🩺
Attributes that heal/revive one or more friendly characters and removes negative status effects.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Nose Ring, Bone Earrings, Bone Nose and Earrings, Skull Earrings, Safe Haven Studs, Golden Studs, No Earring.
- Face: Happy, Purple and Black War Paint, Purple and White War Paint, Tri Color War Paint, Oval Tribal Mask, Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Green and Red Tribal Mask, Purple and White Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, Headdress, Chief Headdress, Ram;s Headdress, Third Eye, Glowing Green Eyes, Glowing Green Eyes with Third Eye, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes with Third Eye, Flaming Skull, Ancient Flaming Skull, Ukiyoe Warriors Golden Oni Mask.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Enchanted Runes, Necromancer’s Staff, and Druid Staff of Longevity.
- Neck: Mystery Pouch, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Bottled Fairy, Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Gnome, Fairy, Light Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Mushroom Master 🍄👹
Attributes that prevent confusion, poison, and sleep negative status effects for one or more friendly characters, while applying the same negative effects to enemies when an attacking skill of this category is utilized.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Ritual Dance Garment, Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Skull Earrings, Safe Haven Studs, Mushroom Studs, No Earring.
- Face: Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Green and Red Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, and Chief Headdress.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Flute, Sleepy Mushrooms, Poison Club, Dream Catcher, and Enchanted Runes.
- Neck: Mystery Pouch, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Bottled Fairy, Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Gnome, Fairy, Light Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Wizard 🧙♂️🔮
Attributes that increase attack stats and have special magic skills, which includes magic silencing skill combinations.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Libyan Desert Glass and Moldavite.
- Earrings: Nose Ring, Bone Earrings, Bone Nose and Earrings, and No Earrings.
- Face: Sad, Mad, Purple and Black War Paint, White and Black War Paint, Tri Color War Paint, Oval Tribal Mask, Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Green and Red Tribal Mask, Purple and White Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, Headdress, Chief Headdress, Ram’s Head, Third Eye, Glowing Green Eyes, Glowing Green Eyes with Third Eye, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes with Third Eye, Flaming Skull, Ancient Flaming Skull, Ukiyoe Warriors Golden Oni Mask.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Blue Mohawk, Red Mohawk, Orange Afro, Brown Braid with Crown, Black Braid with Crown, Yellow Braid with Crown, Purple Mohawk, Tri Color Braid, and Tri Color Braid with Crown.
- Handheld: Crystal Ball Staff, Wand, Enchanted Runes, and Crystal Sword.
- Neck: Mystery Pouch, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Bottled Fairy, Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Fairy, Light Elven, Dark Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Tank/Shield 🛡💂♂️
Attributes that increase the defense for one or more friendly characters, specifically a character with great defense and health to survive long.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Nose Ring, Bone Earrings, Bone Nose and Earrings, Skull Earrings, Safe Haven Studs, Golden Studs, No Earring.
- Face: Happy, Purple and Black War Paint, Purple and White War Paint, Tri Color War Paint, Oval Tribal Mask, Black and Yellow Tribal Mask, Green and Red Tribal Mask, Purple and White Tribal Mask, Ancient Tribal Mask, Headdress, Chief Headdress, Ram;s Headdress, Third Eye, Glowing Green Eyes, Glowing Green Eyes with Third Eye, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes, Glowing Safe Haven Eyes with Third Eye, Flaming Skull, Ancient Flaming Skull, Ukiyoe Warriors Golden Oni Mask.
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Blue Mohawk, Red Mohawk, Orange Afro, Brown Braid with Crown, Black Braid with Crown, Yellow Braid with Crown, Purple Mohawk, Tri Color Braid, and Tri Color Braid with Crown.
- Handheld: Mallet and Drum, Wooden Club, Flute, Sleepy Mushrooms, Crystal Ball Staff, Stone War Hammer, Tomahawk,SHAman Staff, Enchanted Runes, Necromancer’s Staff, Druid Staff of Longevity, Crystal Sword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: SafeKey Amulet, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Hourglass Amulet, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Bottled Fairy, and Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Fairy, Earth, Frost, Cthulhu, Shenlong, Light Elven, Dark Elven, Druid, and Ancient SHAman.
Silencer 🤫🚫
Attributes that are primarily selected for preventing one or more enemies to utilize magic skills, or attribute skills that immobilize an enemy to stop their attacks.
- Background: Any
- Clothing: Warrior’s Bone Armor, Golden Armor, MadV-Apes Tank, and Virtual Flame Studios Shirt.
- Crystal: Any
- Earrings: Nose Ring, Bone Earrings, Bone Nose and Earrings, Skull Earrings, Safe Haven Studs, Golden Studs, No Earring.
- Face: Any
- Gender: Any
- Hair: Any
- Handheld: Mallet and Drum, Wooden Club, Flute, Sleepy Mushrooms, Crystal Ball, Spiked Club, Poison Club, Stone War Hammer, Tomahawk, Wand, Enchanted Runes, Necromancer’s Necklace, Druid Staff of Longevity, Bottle Rocket, Katana, Crystal Sword, and Alien Artifact.
- Neck: SafeKey Amulet, Mystery Pouch, Shell Necklace, Herbal Doctor Satchel, Hourglass Amulet, Necromancer’s Necklace of Death, Healing Necklace of the Druids, Bottled Fairy, and Talisman of the Ancient SHAman.
- Robes: Any
- Skin: Any
- Tome: Fairy, Earth, Frost, Cthulhu, Shenlong, Light Elven, Dark Elven, and Ancient SHAman.
Additional “Character-Builds” 🦸♂️🦹♂️🛠
These are just a few examples of the numerous types of builds that can be created – fusions will enable even more variations – so make sure to start planning all your special builds and learn which collecting strategy works best for your deck!
Join the community in our upcoming ‘Strategy Building Event’ via discord to possibly win Shamanic Oracles and Shamanic Companion NFT prizes: DISCORD.
Rarity and Ranking System 🏆🏋️
As many of you saw when we debuted the original rarity system, all attribute categories were weighed equally and it caused the female hairstyles, collaboration attributes, and other low-count attributes to skew the ranking in a method unaligned with future plans; there was a slight misinterpretation of how the rarity CSV needed to be scripted, but the error was instantly identified and relayed to the community within moments of the improper ranking going live.
The team made a promise to fix the ranking system before the collection minted-out and the overall community was receptive of the news.
The team stayed up for +28hrs to fix the slight errors in CSV, sent the file to NFT Paper Project and World of V after completion, and had the rarity updated before the NFT collection minted-out as promised!
Weighted Rarity Parameters 📏🔢
Each category percentage will be applied to the total number of attributes in that category to find the rarity scores of that weighted category – NFTs with the lowest scoring are most rare.
*Rarity Note: the “Golden Armor” was given a rarity worth of 9, to account for other Clothing attributes near the same edition count with less overall skill/stat boost percentages, so that the attribute is rated by the ability it provides the character in-game versus the total editions available – the rarity parameter will still fluctuate with fusion, starting at a placeholder value of 100 editions, and this is the only attribute that required a special adjustment.
Weighted Rarity Category Percentages:
- 👽🦍🧟♂️ Skin — 15% (1,500 points shared by category)
- 📚 Tome — 13% (1,300 points shared by category)
- 💎 Crystal — 13% (1,300 points shared by category)
- 🗡 Handheld — 11% (1,100 points shared by category)
- 👔 Neck — 11% (1,100 points shared by category)
- 😎 Face — 9% (900 points shared by category)
- 👗 Clothing — 9% (900 points shared by category)
- 🌉 Background — 5% (500 points shared by category)
- 👂 Earrings — 5% (500 points shared by category)
- 💇♀️ Hair — 3% (300 points shared by category)
- 🤝 Collab Traits Bonus — 3% (300 points shared by category)
- 🧙♂️ Robes — 3% (300 points; since it is a bonus, these will be applied as negative in the metadata)
- 👰♀️🤵♂️ Gender — Nothing
Our ecosystem ranks NFT rarity based upon lowest score possible because attributes burn with fusions and the scale must be measured in this manner to follow equal matching protocols for P2E related events.
Development of Rarity as Fusions Occur
As a player utilizes their NFTs to fuse, the rarity of all NFTs within that collection will alter in real-time, enabling dynamic stratification to ensure an equal playing field when P2E is implemented across all game-modes within platforms of the gaming suite.
When the fusion feature is implemented, players will be able to connect to a Dapp, select the NFT characters being burnt, choose the attribute of each category desired to be minted on the Fusion NFT, pay the fusion feel, and burn the amount of Chakra NFTs required for that fusion level – all attribute layer files will be stored in an IPFS database, linked to the fusion minting machine, and as players mint NFTs the layers will be pulled from the database.
Partnered rarity tool platforms will code smart contracts to read the blockchain every few seconds, as the total amount of attributes decrease/increase per collection, to autonomously update the rarity ranking as fusions occur – when attributes are reduced from OG collections, they are added to the Fusion Level-1, Fusion Level-2, Fusion Level-3, Fusion Level-4, and/or Fusion Level-5 collections!
Example of Rarity Development
If a player fused two NFTs, one which had the Stone War Hammer attribute for the Handheld category, and they chose the other Handheld attribute then one edition of the Stone War Hammer attribute will be burned – this will cause the rarity points attached to the Stone War Hammer to go down, resulting in all other NFTs holding that attribute to become more rare in the specific collection.
When two NFTs with a Stone War Hammer are fused, then 2 editions would be burnt from the OG collection and 1 Legendary Stone War Hammer will be added to the Fusion Level-1 Handheld attribute category.
When two non-similar NFTs of the same gender and level are fused – one with a Stone War Hammer attribute for the Handheld category, while the other Handheld attribute is different, and the Stone War Hammer is not the selected attribute for that fusion category – then 1 edition of each attribute is burnt in the OG collection and the selected attribute converges to the rarity stratification of the level being applied the attribute.
Rarity Tool Links
View the links below to assist with identifying attribute rarity and preparing the perfect strategy that matches your deck!
- Attribute Rarity Score Sheet
- NFT Token ID Rarity Score Sheet
- Unique Tools via NFT Paper Wallet
- Whale List and Unique Tools via VeTools
P2E Tournament and PVP Insight
With all these different levels and rankings, our audience is probably wondering how difficult earning rewards will be when P2E events are implemented – concerns have been greatly eased, further instilling confidence within the community, by adding the fusion and rarity stratification systems to our gaming environment to establish a fair and equal playing-field!
Brackets and Matchmaking
Each collection will be subdivided into four separate ranking brackets – the first bracket of each collection has a ranking range of 2,500 positions, with each tier increasing by the same number of positions, so that no player is outmatched during events that have rewards associated with performance.
OG Collections:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
Fusion Level-1 Collection:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
Fusion Level-2 Collection:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
Fusion Level-3 Collection:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
Fusion Level-4 Collection:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
Fusion Level-5 Collection:
- Ranks 1 through 2,499
- Ranks 2,500 through 4,999
- Ranks 5,000 through 7,499
- Ranks 7,500 through 10,000
There will always be new OG collections (new tribes and islands), and these collections can only decrease in total attribute count because they are being burnt for fusion, but there will only be one collection for each ‘Fusion Level’ and the total amount of attributes only increase as new OG collections enter supply and fuse with others!
P2E Rewarding Protocols
As seen above, we have already started implementing rewarding protocols within our ecosystem that fund the wallet supporting all P2E events and quests – we will continue to bolster the economy with many DeFi protocols.

Attribute Upgrade Tokens
A token will be created for the Shamanic Oracles NFT project, specifically to be utilized as a gas token for upgrading RPG attributes of NFTs and rewarding players within the metaverse, while the $SHA token will act as a governance and utility token within the P2E gaming ecosystem.
Example of sectors to receive a portion of emissions:
- Node Utility Reward Pool
- Staking and Farming Pools of SafeSwap
- Play-to-Earn Events in the Metaverse
- Giveaways and Marketing Campaigns
The gas token will be an emission token that adds new supply to the blockchain as new blocks are validated — emission rates will be contracted to multiple wallets with varying percentages — and the primary method of obtaining these gas tokens is by soft-locking $SHA tokens within Nodes, winning play-to-earn events, and/or soft-locking $SHA-VET LP tokens within future pools on SafeSwap.
Additional utility protocols that fund the P2E reward wallet will be announced after the ‘Tokenomics and Attribute Upgrade’ article launches, but other expected sectors to provide utility to the wallet include attribute token emission rates, future portions of minting fees, the percentage defined for fusion fees above, portions of breeding fees, and more!
Join the Community in Spreading Awareness
As always, all of us at Safe Haven want to thank our community for your continued support.
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Other interesting links:
- Where to buy SHA
- How to setup a SafeNode
- How to create an Inheritance plan
- Where to setup an Inheritance plan
- Where to buy a SafeKey