Development Update 2024/05 - Safe Haven

Development Update 2024/05

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As we stride forward towards the imminent launch of Inheriti® 2.0, as a team we are getting more and more excited. We’re elated by the meticulous testing efforts of our dedicated closed beta testers, who have diligently scrutinized every aspect of the platform, leaving no stone unturned. Our marketing preparations are taking shape and becoming more refined. Our enthusiasm grows as we continue to develop our campaign and programs oriented towards customers, partners, and new community members. The team is dedicated to creating a successful and impactful presence in the industry and we look forward to the results of our efforts. The Inheriti® demonstrations that have been presented to our (potential) partners so far, have created excitement and received great appreciation.

Join us as we journey through the latest updates from May and celebrate the noteworthy milestones reached along the way.

Inheriti® Update

May was a month filled with constant testing. To finish off our closed beta testing phase, the experience was nothing short of remarkable. Closed beta testers diligently explored each feature, leaving no stone unturned. Their thorough examination, combined with the structured guidelines provided, facilitated a deep understanding of the platform’s capabilities. The feedback they provided was instrumental in identifying areas for improvement and fine-tuning existing features. Their positive reactions about the look and feel, and the possibilities of the platform make us even more looking forward to the launch.

With the finalization of the security audit imminent, we are preparing to expand beta testing beyond our closed team to include selected external beta testers. This next phase, the private beta testing phase, will commence in June. It will allow us to engage a broader audience for additional insights. These selected testers will continue the diligent work of our internal group, scrutinizing the platform to ensure its robustness and reliability.

The collaborative effort of both our closed and private beta testers underscores our commitment to delivering a secure, efficient, and user-friendly platform. Their contributions so far have helped ensuring that each feature is refined and ready for launch. As we move forward, we remain focused on conducting thorough audits and implementing necessary fixes based on tester feedback. As you know, security and ease of use are our highest priorities.

Once all implementations and audits are completed, we will be ready to introduce Inheriti® 2.0 to the broader market. This journey has been marked by the dedication and meticulous efforts of our developers, product manager, project coordinator and testers. We eagerly anticipate the launch of the new Inheriti® platform, built on the foundation of their hard work. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach this significant milestone.

Marketing Update

The marketing and PR to support the Inheriti® 2.0 launch is being planned – the launch will be supported by a targeted marketing campaign, including community marketing campaigns, content campaigns on X and LinkedIn, our media partners and more.

We are also in the process of launching our Inheriti® ambassador program and are currently onboarding some very high-profile ambassadors and affiliates. The interest in Inheriti® from some of the KOL’s we are in discussions with is extremely positive – a very good sign for things to come.

There is so much more going on behind the scenes, a lot of very interesting meetings, marketing material being developed, increased activity on the social media and more – there’s a lot more to come in the coming weeks and months and we suggest to keep an eye on our socials to stay on top of developments!

Partnership Update

Our partnership team is working tirelessly to establish a new partnership agreement that will significantly enhance our platform’s capabilities. The collaboration consists of various components and aims to bolster the safety and continued progression of Inheriti® and SafeSwap. We are excited to soon share the details of our new partner. This collaboration reflects our unwavering commitment to delivering the highest standards of security and innovation for our users.

Stay tuned for the official announcement!

SafeNode Staking Reminder

May staking will be ending at the close of the month, and June pools are just around the corner! Whether you’re already a node holder or looking to join in, we’ve got a pool for you! Remember, staking $SHA is exclusively done through the SafeNode App. It’s important to note that staking is a manual process and must be completed monthly—it doesn’t happen automatically! Be sure to stake every month to maximize your rewards and make the most out of your participation.

ETH Global Brussels

Our team is happy to share that we will be attending ETH Global Brussels, which will be held from July 12-14, 2024. This event will give us the opportunity to present the Inheriti® platform to key individuals and interested parties. It will allow us to showcase the unique features and capabilities of Inheriti®, highlighting its innovative approach to securing digital assets. We look forward to engaging with industry leaders, potential partners, and blockchain enthusiasts, sharing our vision, and demonstrating how Inheriti® can revolutionize digital asset security.

Join us in Brussels as we connect, collaborate, and take significant strides toward shaping the future of blockchain technology.

DPMF X Space

On the 12th of May, our team had a gathering in the realm of X, delving deep into the genesis of Safe Haven’s expedition within the VeChain ecosystem, and their subsequent expansion onto the XRPL platform. Amidst the exchange of ideas and insights, our esteemed colleague Alex spearheaded an engaging dialogue, enthralling participants such as @Dan_CrYpT0, @wozmod, @WesleyDalton20, and @LiveFre47518057. Their collective expertise offered invaluable perspectives and fostered an atmosphere of collaborative exploration. For those who couldn’t join us in real-time: the recording of this enlightening discussion awaits your eager ears at the link provided.

Short news

  • We’re currently engaging with intriguing new partners and eagerly anticipate sharing more details with our community soon!
  • We’ve been invited to join an upcoming XTalks Series AMA hosted by Layer One X.
  • The new Inheriti® website is nearing completion and is currently in the final stages of finalization.
  • We are currently testing and integrating a new blockchain on SafeSwap.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for an undercover soft launch event at a top-secret location 👀

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