Safe Haven Waves Goodbye to the Ethereum Blockchain, Last Chance to Swap your SHA!
It has been quite sometime since we had our initial private sale [Primablock] and presale on the Ethereum Blockchain. Since June 2018, we have cleared many hurdles and accomplished a great many things, including moving from the Ethereum Blockchain to the VeChainThor Blockchain. Now fully integrated into the VeChain Community, it is time that we close the remaining Ethereum link, and give one last opportunity to those who participated in the these sales and hold an ERC-20 SHA token to swap. On May 31, 2019, we will cease the opportunity for initial private buyers to undergo the Know Your Customer (KYC) process and swap ERC-20 SHA tokens for VIP-180 SHA tokens. KYC will have to be completed and verified prior to swapping.
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