Hacken Archives - Safe Haven
Development Update 2025/01

Our team is dedicated to revolutionizing the digital inheritance industry, and our efforts are already sparking interest and enthusiasm. The live Inheriti® demonstrations have been met with positive responses from our community, building excitement for the next steps. As we reflect on the milestones we’ve achieved in January, we invite you to stay engaged and informed about the latest advancements with SHA token options, SafeSwap, and Inheriti®, as we continue to shape the future of secure digital legacy management.

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Development Update 2024/04

Another month of working towards the launch of Inheriti® 2.0, and we are getting closer and closer. Let us take you along in the Inheriti® and Marketing update of April, share the attendance of two exciting conferences with you and highlight the other milestones that April contained.

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Inheriti: World’s first and only full decentralized, patent pending, Digital inheritance platform

Inheriti is essentially a cybersecurity platform that guarantees safe and secure ‘digital inheritance’. In a world, where most of our assets and identities exist online, loss/mismanagement of private keys, seed phrases, passwords, and other crucial credentials are much more frequent than otherwise thought.

Source: Hacken Read post