Safe Haven Welcomes LiveTheLife to the Blockchain Industry
Our Q2 recap released in July, indicated that we were onboarding potential verticals that were unnamed at that time. One of which, was an “undisclosed travel and destination editorial organization”. As many of you have an avid eye for detail and may suspect; we are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with LifeTheLife (LTL). LTL will utilize Safe Haven products throughout its transition and thereafter, as it improves upon its current model utilizing blockchain.
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OneTreePlanted and Safe Haven Announce Raise for the Amazon on ThorBlock: a Decentralized Platform Developed by Blockchain and FinTech Company Safe Haven
We recently shared an internal discussion with LiveTheLifeTV about ThorBlock Charity. With that conversation, arose a sidebar regarding the current situation in Brazil. If you are connected to the internet or watch television news there is no way you could have avoid the images of the Amazon rainforest as it burns.
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