Lux Lion NFT Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Integration!
Read this article to better understand how Lux Lions will be integrating Inheriti® to provide DeFi inheritance services for clients within their metaverse!
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Shamanic Oracles Deep-Dive: Fusion Protocols and Ranked Rarity Stratification to Enhance the Utility of NFTs within P2E Tournaments!
Safe Haven's official NFT collection, the Shamanic Oracles, has introduced a new fusion and rarity stratification system; players can burn two NFT characters of the same gender and level, so that each player can build their minted Fusion NFTs with the desired attributes available from the categories of both burnt NFTs. Read this walkthrough to better understand the fusion utility and rarity stratification protocols being implemented within the Shamanic Oracles NFT project. Additional information about play-to-earn strategies and farming/staking capabilities will become made available at a later date!
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Introduction to the Shamanic Oracles NFT Collection and P2E Game
Read this introduction to better understand the utility protocols being implemented within the Shamanic Oracles NFT project. Additional information about play-to-earn strategies available within the gaming sector being developed will come later!
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Vananessiea Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Intregration!
Vananessiea is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols.
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Safe Haven and VPunks Partnership: The Age of Inheriti Integration and Gamification
VPunks are securing the survival of their digital ecosystem, by implementing DeFi inheritance and backup solutions via Inheriti integration, which is a revolutionary ‘NFT Punk’ blockchain project that was the first to implement a utility token, gaming concepts, and staking models on the VeChain Blockchain!
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Safe Haven and Mad Viking Games Partner to Secure Digital Inheritance Protocols for Cryptocurrency
Mad Viking Games (MVG) are building games that utilize NFTs and cryptocurrencies for play-to-earn opportunities on the VeChain blockchain — to reduce the chance of digital assets becoming inaccessible, MVG is partnering with Safe Haven to integrate Inheriti with their platform.
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Why Estate Planning Attorneys Should Be Worrying About Properly Safeguarding Client Crypto Investments
Gone are the days of just using a single case management system (CRM/CRS) such as Abacus, Cleo, PracticePanther, or MyCase.
Source: Benzinga Read post