Baysed Labs Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate Inheriti® Backup and Inheritance Solution!
Safe Haven is excited to announced that Baysed Labs is fortifying recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure their community cryptocurrencies remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup plans.
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Anodos Partners with Safe Haven to Bring SHA and Inheriti® Plans On The XRP Ledger
Anodos is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with Safe Haven, a pioneering force in digital inheritance solutions. Our collaboration aims to seamlessly integrate Safe Haven's SHA token and Inheriti® onto the XRP Ledger (XRPL).
Source: Anodos Read post
Copiosa Partners with Safe Haven to Bring Synergies Between Both Ecosystems and Product Suites
We hinted on this one earlier already, and now we’re finally able to unveil our official partnership with Copiosa, an all-in-one cryptocurrency wallet application! Here's what you need to know.
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HAPI Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance/Backup Protocols via Inheriti®!
Safe Haven is excited to announce that HAPI is fortifying recovery methods for their ecosystem by integrating Inheriti®!
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Blue Studios Labs and Safe Haven Form a Partnership to Implement DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Integration!
Blue Studios provides a family-friendly platform enabling an edutainment play-to-earn environment. Read this article to understand how an Inheriti® integration will fortify security and inheritance protocols for the digital assets within the Blue Studios Labs ecosystem.
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The Inka Empire and Safe Haven Partner to Implement an Ambassador NFT Airdrop and V2 Inheriti® Integration!
The Inka Empire partners with Safe Haven to secure decentralized inheritance protocols of NFTs and other crypto assets via Inheriti® integration.
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Lux Lion NFT Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Integration!
Read this article to better understand how Lux Lions will be integrating Inheriti® to provide DeFi inheritance services for clients within their metaverse!
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Bored Apes XRP Club Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Integration!
Bored Apes XRP Club is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols.
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World of V and Safe Haven Partner to Implement a V2 Inheriti® Integration and Much More!
World of V and Safe Haven partner to implement a V2 Inheriti® integration, an Ambassador NFT minting page, $SHA Token Utility on their NFT Marketplace, and a minting page for the Official Shamanic Oracles NFT Collection!
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Vananessiea Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Intregration!
Vananessiea is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols.
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Virtual Flame Studios Partners with Safe Haven to Integrate DeFi Inheritance Protocols via V1 Inheriti® Integration!
Virtual Flame Studios (VFS) is an organization that develops NFT collections and play-to-earn blockchain games – their goal is to create unique utility protocols, on the Vechain blockchain, that drive demand and increase value of the NFTs within the ecosystem.
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StonerPunks and Safe Haven Partner to Implement an Ambassador NFT Airdrop and Inheriti® Integration (V2)!
Clients that establish a decentralized inheritance plan, via Stoner Punk’s Inheriti® referral link, will receive an NFT that has utility within Stoner Punk’s airdrop events and upcoming play-to-earn blockchain game.
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Safe Haven Partners with VFox Alliance to Provide VFox Members with Decentralized Inheritance & Backups
VFox Alliance is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols.
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VerseX and Safe Haven Enhance Inheriti® Integration to Version 2 by Implementing NFT Rewards!
Clients that establish a decentralized inheritance plan, via VerseX’s Inheriti® referral link, will receive a special NFT that has utility within VerseX’s metaverse and/or trading card lines.
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Safe Haven Partners with Mad Ⓥ-Apes to Provide DeFi Inheritance and Personal Backup Services for Members within their Metaverse Community
Mad Ⓥ-Apes is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols; in addition to an Inheriti® integration, Safe Haven and MVA will have an NFT collaboration for our upcoming SHAman NFT collection.
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Preparing Ukiyoe Warriors Inheriti® Integration for their NFT Launch on February 28th
The partnership between Safe Haven and Ukiyoe Warriors began through a collaboration within the first NFT collection, announced on January 24th of 2022, which included an Inheriti® integration with their organization; all NFT holders of Ukiyoe Warriors will be able to establish a decentralized inheritance plan, via referral link, and opt to donate 5% of their service fee to UW’s foundation wallet.
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Safe Haven and VeGnomes Partner to Integrate Inheriti® and Establish an Official NFT Collection
VeGnomes is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible.
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Safe Haven Partners with Yoniverse, an XRPL Entity, to Bolster the Inheritance Protocols of their Platform and NFTs within the Community!
Safe Haven will provide Annkan a special link to integrate Inheriti with Yoniverse’s platform, displayed via button labeled ‘Create a Decentralized Inheritance Plan’
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BlackVeMarket and Safe Haven Establish an All-in-One Partnership to Provide DeFi Inheritance Services for NFT Projects Building on Their Marketplace!
BlackVeMarket (BVM) provides an online web3 platform enabling clients to buy and sell NFTs in a decentralized manner; the marketplace houses many NFT projects and artist collections, all of which will gain Inheriti® support from this partnership, along with any project or artist that ports to the marketplace at later dates.
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Safe Haven and Mad Viking Games Partner to Secure Digital Inheritance Protocols for Cryptocurrency
Mad Viking Games (MVG) are building games that utilize NFTs and cryptocurrencies for play-to-earn opportunities on the VeChain blockchain — to reduce the chance of digital assets becoming inaccessible, MVG is partnering with Safe Haven to integrate Inheriti with their platform.
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Safe Haven and VPunks Partnership: The Age of Inheriti Integration and Gamification
VPunks are securing the survival of their digital ecosystem, by implementing DeFi inheritance and backup solutions via Inheriti integration, which is a revolutionary ‘NFT Punk’ blockchain project that was the first to implement a utility token, gaming concepts, and staking models on the VeChain Blockchain!
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Safe Haven & Matic Network Partner to Expand Digital Inheritance Solutions Throughout India
It is with great pleasure that we announce a collaboration between Safe Haven and the Matic Network!
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Inheriti has Intigriti & Here is Why…
Chief Executive Logino Dujardin, recently announced a formal 24-month agreement struck with Intigriti, Europe’s #1 ethical hacking and bug bounty platform. Founding Director and Chief Technology Officer, Jürgen Schouppe orchestrated the efforts to ensure the necessary long-term audit required of a platform such as Inheriti.
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Safe Haven and Global Funeral Care Announce Strategic Partnership
Today, we announce a strategic partnership that operates within two intertwined market spaces. More often than not, inheritance and end-term planning go hand-in-hand when responsibly preparing for the future. We understand the necessity for offering blockchain solutions for the personal planning industry at large. We believe that as the blockchain space advances, innovative solutions will make these markets extremely competitive. It is for these reasons that we have agreed to a cross-chain partnership that will benefit the common market space. The strategic partnership also affords both organizations with a first-mover advantage in a maturing market.
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Safe Haven partners with Arkane Network
We are proud to announce that Safe Haven has established a partnership with Arkane Network. Arkane is not just a wallet provider, but a multi-blockchain network that connects users to several different applications, wallets and cryptocurrencies in one location. Individuals can track and monitor all transactions and wallet activity with a broad overview of their balance in a safe, easy-to-use, and transparent manner within a single [Arkane] interface.
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Safe Haven and MyWish announce a partnership that will make the digital inheritance market stronger.
Safe Haven and MyWish are thrilled to announce a partnership that we believe will corner the digital inheritance landscape and mark the beginning of a collaborative innovation within our target-market. We feel that as two organizations that share a common interest in maintaining the safety and security of digital assets, we remain focused on ensuring exactly that. Both Safe Haven and MyWish will work closely to make digital inheritance stronger.
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Announcement: Safe Haven partners with LawRato, a legal tech platform with +25,000 lawyers!
Safe Haven is excited to announce its partnership with Lawrato.com. LawRato serves as an interactive online platform, connecting its users with expert lawyers of India.
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