SafeNode Setup Guide for VeWorld App Users
This comprehensive guide will walk users through the process of setting up SafeNode while using the VeWorld app. It covers each step in detail, ensuring a smooth and straightforward setup experience.
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Safe Haven Partners with Mad Ⓥ-Apes to Provide DeFi Inheritance and Personal Backup Services for Members within their Metaverse Community
Mad Ⓥ-Apes is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible via decentralized inheritance or personal backup protocols; in addition to an Inheriti® integration, Safe Haven and MVA will have an NFT collaboration for our upcoming SHAman NFT collection.
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Inheriting Bitcoin Is Harder Than It Sounds
A growing number of financial advisers and estate planners have realized that passing down crypto isn’t so easy.
Source: Vox Read post

Revolutionary Atomic Swapping With Safe Haven’s SafeSwap
SafeSwap is a revolutionary atomic swap platform that enables tokens to transfer between compatible blockchains. This easy-to-use swap mechanism enables projects to deploy their developed solutions on other blockchains, all while benefiting from speedy and low-cost transactions.
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Preparing Ukiyoe Warriors Inheriti® Integration for their NFT Launch on February 28th
The partnership between Safe Haven and Ukiyoe Warriors began through a collaboration within the first NFT collection, announced on January 24th of 2022, which included an Inheriti® integration with their organization; all NFT holders of Ukiyoe Warriors will be able to establish a decentralized inheritance plan, via referral link, and opt to donate 5% of their service fee to UW’s foundation wallet.
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Safe Haven and VeGnomes Partner to Integrate Inheriti® and Establish an Official NFT Collection
VeGnomes is fortifying security and recovery methods for their ecosystem, by partnering with Safe Haven and integrating Inheriti®, to ensure all NFTs within their current and future collections remain accessible.
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Safe Haven Partners with Yoniverse, an XRPL Entity, to Bolster the Inheritance Protocols of their Platform and NFTs within the Community!
Safe Haven will provide Annkan a special link to integrate Inheriti with Yoniverse’s platform, displayed via button labeled ‘Create a Decentralized Inheritance Plan’
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Safe Haven: Pioneering Decentralized Solutions
Safe Haven is a decentralized B2B2C platform for digital asset management and financial technology solutions.
Source: Newsbit Read post

Safe Haven Community Governance Model
The Community Governance Model (CGM) will act as the compass guiding Safe Haven’s direction in regards to community fulfillment.
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Fourth Drawing “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event” August 14, 2020
Today, we pulled the fourth twenty (20) addresses for our “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event”.
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All Eyes On Inheriti
Inheriti is coming, make no mistake. We are closing in on what will be the culmination of years of dedicated work, brainstorming, legal review, global filings, implementation, integration, and development. All of it would have no value if it was not for our dedicated community, we thank you all. Prior to the release and beyond, we will be pushing informative outreach initiatives while engaging with our community. It is our hope and expectation that we will be able to excite our core base, while forging new relationships with those who see the need for a true blockchain inheritance solution.
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Second Drawing “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event” July 31, 2020
Today, we pulled the second twenty (20) addresses for our “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event”.
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Third Drawing “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event” August 7, 2020
Today, we pulled the third twenty (20) addresses for our “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event”.
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First Drawing “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event” July 24, 2020
Today, we pulled the first twenty (20) addresses for our “All Eyes on Inheriti Lottery Event”.
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Dine with Dujardin
“It has been a long while since we have had some direct contact with the community.” — Logino Dujardin
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Are You Ready? A Coded Message for the Safe Haven Community
Complete the following three steps to reveal a secret message from the SHA team.
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Ask Me Anything with CEO Logino Dujardin & COO Andy Demeulemeester
If you are a member of the Safe Haven Telegram channel, you are in good company. Our community is incredibly passionate, knowledgeable, and supportive. The amount of dedication shown every day fuels our team to develop remarkable products and we believe it is paramount to provide extensive communication along the way.
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A personal message to the Safe Haven community from CEO Logino Dujardin
It’s that time again, another year has come to an end and 2020 is fast approaching. It is time to look back at the previous year, and share my thoughts and vision for the next.
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The 12 Days of Safe Haven
Safe Haven has been hard at work. Another year is coming to a close and that means holidays around the world are being celebrated. This year, we wanted to do something extremely exciting, a campaign we have dubbed: The 12 Days of Safe Haven.
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Safe Haven announces PoR: Proof of Read Concept & Competition!
Safe Haven announces PoR (Proof of Read): Our dedication to your knowledge and understanding of the Safe Haven model!
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Introducing Safe Haven Merchandise Store. Help Raise Awareness and Look Good Doing It
Our community is important. We say it openly and within our intra-organizational conversations. We have established special programs and opportunities for those within our community who wish to volunteer or take a more dedicated approach. We know that as Safe Haven grows, so too will our presence within the space. As the blockchain marketspace grows, so too will projects born of its technology become more common-tongue. An important aspect of this market at-large is ‘brand recognition’, especially at local events held by those interested in the technology. And, everyone wants to represent their favorite projects.
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Safe Haven’s Vibrant New Website Is Tailored For Retail And Business Expansion
Having dropped plenty of teasers and images, we are very pleased to finally announce the launch of the new Safe Haven website. Many hours have been spent tailoring what will act as the front-line provider of information regarding all things related to the organization, products and solutions, tokenomics, and professional contact points.
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Safe Haven Foundation is Crypto Asset Management Technology Infrastructure Builder
Safe Haven entered the market last December as a company focused on digital inheritance utilizing our worldwide protected Share Distribution (SD) Protocol technology. The SD Protocol enables our ability to encrypt and distribute shares amongst stakeholders and/or family members.
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SAFE HAVEN PRE ICO IS OPEN FROM 02/24/2018 8PM CET till 03/10/2018 8PM CET!
SAFE HAVEN PRE ICO IS OPEN FROM 02/24/2018 8PM CET till 03/10/2018 8PM CET!
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